Monday, May 30, 2016

How can we send email with attachment using VBA in excel?

Sending email is a routine task for all kind of industry. it may be reporting, marketing, data science, communication, retail industry and so on. It will become a tedious job when same kind of email needs to be sent over multiple stakeholders.

     Obviously, sending same kind of email with different kind of attachment is a quite time consuming and boring activity. Specially, when it comes to email marketing to send emails to various recipient including attachments specific to their needs.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

How to use SQL in excel VBA macros?

Using SQL queries is better way to handle large amount of data in database applications. also, it generates result within a seconds. As, we aware the SQL queries only can be used in Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL server applications.

In fact, SQL queries can be used in Excel VBA projects to handle large amount of data. Which will enables you to optimize your code for time complexity and output will be generated in fraction of seconds. Which is the core requirement of any VBA automation project.